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Wednesday 27 June 2012

Summer is Here...

Amazing artwork for this year's theme!
Artist: Mike Deas
yet the rain is still pouring! And as much as I love the rain I do look forward to the blistering heat of the sun that the summer brings, then it'll really feel like summer! But hey! - isn't this weather we are seeing a little...
And speaking of strange but true things - insert subtle segway here - this year I'll be working at the Beaver Valley Public Library helping out with the Summer Reading Club! 

I started work about 3 weeks ago and so far its been awesome! For now we've been doing lots of planning for the upcoming events and I've dived headfirst into the land of books, crafts and knowledge. When I resurface, I'm usually covered in paint stains, pen marks and little dashes of glitter. 

So this year our theme is STRANGE ... BUT TRUE? which for me has led me to a plethora of different subjects! For example, the themes of the week are as follows:

Theme 1: Wild wild life - Weird creatures and extreme environments
Theme 2: Biggest, fastest, first - World records and incredible feats
Theme 3: It came from outer space - Space exploration, astronomy, alien life and science fiction
Theme 4: Weird science - Strange physics, cool chemistry and crazy inventions
Theme 5: True story! - Surprising history, amazing biography and remarkable real-life kids
Theme 6: Trick or Truth? - Magic tricks, illusions, hoaxes and mysteries
Theme 7: You don’t scare me - Monsters and the unexplained

All of which are awesome! I'm hoping to keep an overarching theme of Weird Science as we pass through the worlds of strange subjects so our age groups have been christened with their own scientific moniker, which are: 
Little Einsteins: Ages 3-5 
(Rhonda, our Children's Librarian and all-around awesome person will be teaching this group!) 
Young Professors: Ages 6-9
Mad Scientists: Ages 10-12 

Awesome, right? I'm excited! I recently went crazy on the children's area's bulletin board (perhaps I'll post a picture in the near future) and I now I am inspired with the thoughts of the upcoming crafts and have begun prepping some for the future! 

So before I go here's a link to the kid's website for this year's Summer Reading Club:

Check it out! 

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